By breathing elevated levels of Oxygen while you are on the Vibration Platform you can:
Dramatically increase oxygenation of all of the tissues and cells
Recover from stress related illnesses
Assist with preventing age related diseases such as cancer, macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, non-healing wounds (and so much more)
Slow down the aging process
Increase diameter of the blood vessels (capillaries) that provide oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and cells
Reset circadian rhythms for; a more restful sleep, better rejuvenation or recover from jet lag
Modulate immune function
Lose excess inches
Increase lymphatic flow
Balance pH
Aromatherapy has been combined with the oxygen
Vibration Platform
Vibration platforms cause your muscles to contract and relax many times a second giving us these wonderful benefits:
Improved muscle strength and performance
Increased stamina
Increased flexibility, mobility, and coordination
Reduced aches and pains
Enhanced critical blood flow throughout the body
Accelerated fat loss, drop inches
Improved collagen production and skin tone
Reduced appearance of cellulite
Decrease Cortisol production
Increased production of "happiness hormones - Serotonin and neurothropine
Improved recovery from injury
Burn up to 500 calories in 10 mins.
Increased lymphatic drainage
Accelerated detoxification
Increased bone density
Improved equilibrium and gait
Improved neuromuscular connections
Assist with the neurological disease or damage
Full Spectrum Light
With a large-sized full spectrum light on the wall in front of the Vibration Platforms you can also enjoy the following:
Improved mood function
Better sleep
Reduced eye strain and fatigue
Modulates the hypothalamus and pineal gland
Produces serotonin (associated with mood elevation)
Learn, read, and study more effectively
Reset circadian rhythm for improved sleep, repair, and jet lag
Increase productivity, performance, and alertness
Fun Fact: The bulbs must remain uncovered and unfiltered to maintain the efficacy of this therapy