Far-Infrared (FIR) heat is a form of naturally occurring energy that directly heats objects by gentle infrared radiation heat, rather than by raising the temperature of the surrounding air. FIR heat is completely safe for the human body. Physical therapists often use FIR heat to promote healing, and hospitals use the same heat to keep premature babies warm in incubators.
Far Infrared Sauna (FIR)

Increased blood circulation and oxygen supply to damaged tissue
Reduction in chronic joint and muscle pain
Eases addiction withdrawal symptoms
Promotes relaxation and comfort
Induces sleep
Relieves stress
Structures water
Reverse aging process
Melt fat
Balance endocrine system
Balance pH
Assist with renal health
Lowers homocysteine
Ensure blood flow to the brain
Helps control the lung airways
Relief from digestive disturbances
Generates storage of ATP, cellular energy
Helps with panic and anxiety issues
Promotes regeneration and fast healing
Improves lymph circulation, eliminating toxins
Increases metabolism between blood and tissue
Relieves symptoms related to Raynaud's disease
Works on acne, scars, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema
Eliminates negative effects of toxic ELMF's
Decreased joint stiffness, relieves muscle spasms, affects soft tissue injury
Increases collagen production creating; supple, softer, tighter skin and tissue
Assist in resolution of inflammatory infiltrated, edema, and exudes
Dental pain suppression, gum inflammation, pyorrhea alveolaris
Healthy arteries: neutralizes blood toxicity and smooth the walls of arteries, capillaries, and veins
Exerts a strong rotational and vibrational effects at a molecular level
Increased heart rate, cardiac output, stroke volume and ejection fraction
Lower blood pressure, cardiac ejection resistance, total peripheral resistance
Assist with neurotoxicity (of the nerve cell), detoxifying the neuron cells
Enhances WBC function, modulating immune response, eliminating all pathogens such as mold, bacteria, viruses, parasites etc., and cellular waste products
Stimulates hypothalamus, which controls the production of neurochemicals involved in sleep, mood, pain sensations, blood pressure, water regulation, inflammation, insulin, and leptin reception
Activates enzymes for Nitric Oxide (NO) production
7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, nicotine, alcohol, ammonia, sulfuric acid, environmental toxins, as opposed to conventional heat or steam saunas
Lower toxic burden responsible for most health conditions; FBD, ADHD, fatigue, headaches, colds, flu, allergy, hormonal imbalance, drug addictions, chemical sensitivity, sinus congestion, skin conditions, loss of dexterity, tinnitus, insomnia, poor concentration, memory loss, mood changes, mental confusion and changes in behavior to name a few.
Assist with the many symptoms of sexual dysfunction including infertility, impotence, and lower libido