Hypothalamus Reset is not an artificial appetite suppressant. It is a naturally occurring hormone called Human Chronic Gonadotropin, a peptide hormone produced by pregnant women. Although the results are the same for men and women. During pregnancy, Hypothalamus Reset enables the body to access all the mother's stored fat supplies to provide and fetus with an ongoing supply of nutrition. If you want to get Hypothalamus Reset drops, please note that our bottles are a full 1oz, which should last you for the full 21 day diet.
In order to maximize your results and lose weight quickly and painlessly we recommend that you download the Hypothalamus Reset diet guide provided here. Hypothalamus Reset drops are as effective as Hypothalamus Reset injections without the discomfort or expense of needles. How can Hypothalamus Reset diet work for you? Hypothalamus Reset helps the body burn its fat stores no matter where they are located. Its effects are the same for men and women, pregnant or not.
The Hypothalamus Reset diet is an effective way lose weight, control your appetite and maintain your energy levels. We can not stress enough the importance the Hypothalamus Reset diet guide to aid you to achieve the optimal results. The Hypothalamus Reset diet program will help you maintain proper nutrition level and yield the best results.
Hypothalamus Reset has been proven safe and effective for over 30 years
Hypothalamus Reset is the quickest weight loss method without losing muscle
Hypothalamus Reset eliminates food cravings
Lose 10-12 lbs. a week with the Hypothalamus Reset diet
Maintain your energy
Very high success rate
3 week supply of Hypothalamus Reset drops
Hypothalamus Reset Tips & Tricks:
Drink 8oz of filtered water at the top of every hour. Hypothalamus Reset suggests drinking approx. 2 liters a day. Pure filtered water from a glass container is best.
Plan your meals in advance for each day and consider planning the meals for the week.
Eliminate or hide all the foods that you are not allowed to have in your house.
Become your own Weight Watchers by prepackaging all your meats in the appropriate portion. 100 grams / 3.5 ounces.
Need a larger breakfast then just tea or coffee? Eat a serving at breakfast instead of at lunch.
Need dessert? Use one of your servings of fruit to fulfill your craving. Dessert idea: Cut an apple into numerous pieces. Mix together Stevia, and cinnamon. Sprinkle on top of an apple. Bake and enjoy.
Detox your body from sodas before starting the diet.
Make a big pitcher of flavored tea. Sweeten it with Stevia. Enjoy as much as you want.
Find a couple of vegetables you really like it will make meal planning easier.
Constipation is a normal side effect. Have laxatives available.
If following a strict protocol, make sure you get oil free beauty products.
Dry skin is common. Use oil free products.
There is more than one indicator of success. Track weight, inches, and if possible, fat content.
Try putting your drops in your daily dose of water and sip throughout the day. This will keep the hormones at regular levels.
If you are a big starch eater, taper off consumption a couple of days before you start the Hypothalamus Reset diet.
Experiment with spices.
Make sure to switch your salt to Sea Salt
The first two days are the load up period. Do a good job because it will boost your metabolism and help minimize the starved feeling.
Find someone who will do the Hypothalamus Reset diet with you. Most importantly you will have someone to motivate you and help you stay on track!
Come visit us at Anyana Kai! We have a great facility to help move toxins out!
Hypothalamus Reset Drops (HCG) FAQs
Q1: What exactly is Hypothalamus Reset and how does it work?
Hypothalamus Reset is short for human chorionic gonadotropin it is naturally produced in the body and is sometimes known as the pregnancy hormone, because the levels increase dramatically during pregnancy. Hypothalamus Reset programs the body to mobilize fat and use it as energy. In the weight loss program we capitalize on this same process
Q2: Is Hypothalamus Reset safe?
Currently Hypothalamus Reset has been shown to be safe. It is a naturally producing hormone with little to no side effects. We recommend that you consult a physician before starting any weight loss program.
Q3: Will my metabolism slow down on such a low calorie diet?
The low calorie diet in concert with the Hypothalamus Reset drops, signals the body to use stored fat for energy, and eliminates excess fat reserves.
Q4: Wouldn't I lose the same amount of weight eating a very low calorie diet without Hypothalamus Reset?
Yes... you can lose weight by simply eating fewer calories although the body stores fat during times of deprivation as a survival mechanism. Thus your weight loss on just a reduced calorie diet is more likely to be muscle rather than fat. By combining Hypothalamus Reset with the low calorie diet, a higher amount of fat is mobilized for energy and some is eliminated.
Q5: Won't I be hungry all the time consuming so few calories?
Because Hypothalamus Reset helps to mobilize fat and makes it available to the body as an energy source, it has also been shown to reduce appetite. Thus your body is signaled to consume the fat reserves in order to maintain energy.
Q6: How much weight can I expect to lose on the program?
On average, our seekers have been losing around 20 lbs. or more per month. It is not uncommon for us to see people losing a pound a day following the complete Hypothalamus Reset diet protocol.
Q7: How can I be sure I am getting the proper nutrition on so few calories?
We encourage the taking of supplements while taking Hypothalamus Reset, this will not only ensure your are receiving proper nutrition but also help increase your overall success.
Q8: Isn't there a link between Hypothalamus Reset and cancer?
This is a rumor that has been around for years and has no scientific evidence or support. Although Hypothalamus Reset has gotten a lot of press lately, it has been around for decades with very few is any reports of adverse side effects. In fact The Fox Chase Cancer Center recently published an article "How Hypothalamus Reset protects against Brest Cancer".
Q9: What is the difference between Hypothalamus Reset drops & injections?
The result are basically equal, but we have found that people appreciate the easy to take drops as opposed the the cost and inconvenience of injections.
Q10: Will the weight come back after I am off Hypothalamus Reset?
Research along with our experience shows that 75 - 85% of people who successfully complete the Hypothalamus Reset diet have little difficulty maintaining their new weight. Since Hypothalamus Reset resets your metabolism, most people find it easy to maintain their new weight.
Q11: How to I take the drops?
Place the drops under the tongue and hold for at least 2 minutes and swallow. Drops come ready to use and require no mixing. Hypothalamus Reset drops are NEVER to be injected.