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Get to know us

The establishment of the Independent Native American Church of Anyana Kai (INACAK) serves to safeguard the rights of Mother Earth through the provision of community service, education, spiritual fellowship, and healing. Our primary objective is to preserve and promote the practice of Native American and Indigenous spiritual traditions rooted in the reverence for Mother Earth, encompassing ceremonies, sacred practices, and healing methods. As a 100% naturopathic facility, Anyana Kai is dedicated to upholding the ancient and sacred customs of our Native American and Indigenous ancestors. We proudly operate as an Independent Branch of the Native American Church, faithfully carrying out ceremonies and offering sacraments in accordance with the traditions of our spiritual forefathers.

We firmly believe that these authentic, age-old healing practices offer individuals a profound and enduring transformation that cannot be attained through toxic lifestyles, medication or surgery. Congratulations on embarking on your quest to join the esteemed Independent Native American Church of Anyana Kai. We warmly embrace you and pledge to support you throughout your path to wellness, restoration, and equilibrium.

Our mission

The mission of Anyana Kai Independent Native American Church, holistic wellness center, is to provide a holistic and sacred space for individuals to heal and rejuvenate their mind, body, and spirit. With a deep respect for Native American and Indigenous traditions and practices, the wellness center offers a range of healing services such as: biomechanics, body work, cupping, energy healing, herbal remedies, and much more. Whether seeking physical relief, emotional balance, or spiritual awakening, Anyana Kai provides a nurturing space for individuals to reconnect with themselves and find healing in a supportive environment.

Greetings Seekers

Welcome to Anyana Kai, an unincorporated faith based - Independent Native American Church and home to Toledo's most experienced group of traditional, natural and homeopathic therapy healers. Our healers have been trained and instructed in both modern medical techniques as well as ancient Native American rituals and sacraments. Our practitioners have been instrumental in helping thousands of individuals like yourself restore the balance between their mind, body, and spirit.

Here at Anyana Kai, we focus on harnessing the healing powers of natural medicines, ancient wellness techniques and the body itself to help seekers regain the natural balance they are missing. No matter the ailment; the practitioners, interns, seekers, and attendants of Anyana Kai will help you as you progress on a personal path toward healthy and balanced living. Every seeker is different, and so every path back towards balance is unique to the individual.

"We provide a large toolbox and many accessible resources that assist in productively channeling your body's energy, allowing you to manifest your desires on all levels, thus harnessing your body's innate wisdom for healing. Congratulations on taking your first step towards becoming a seeker in the most advanced technologies, and ancient and honored traditions of the Independent Native American Church of Anyana Kai. We welcome you with open arms and open minds and will be with you every step of the way as you begin your journey toward health, healing, and a truly balanced life."

  • charmaine rose bassett, NMD, DM, NAP. MW

Welcome to our Vitamin Consultation service, where we aim to help you discover the optimal vitamins, minerals, and supplements that are tailored specifically to your body. Our revolutionary ITSME Quantum Biofeedback device is at the forefront of technology, enabling us to provide you with the most accurate and personalized recommendations

During your appointment, which typically lasts for about one hour, we will first dedicate the initial 15-20 minutes to the intake process, hooking you up to our state-of-the-art device, and conducting the necessary tests. Rest assured, this process is completely pain-free and non-invasive.

Once the testing phase is complete, you will have the opportunity to sit down with one of our highly qualified and knowledgeable consultants. They will thoroughly review the comprehensive results obtained from the ITSME Quantum Biofeedback device, allowing them to gain a deep understanding of your unique bodily needs.

This consultation will cover a wide range of aspects related to your health and well-being. The test will provide an extensive amount of data for the consultant to assess. They will be able to analyze your vitamin and mineral levels, identify any nutritional requirements and deficiencies, evaluate your hormonal balance, assess your amino acid status, and even pinpoint any digestive issues or enzymatic reactions that may be affecting your overall health. This allows our practitioners to best formulate how to help you, based on your bodies individual needs.