Nurture Your Health:
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EWOT - Exercise w/Oxygen Training
Coming Soon
One of the biggest sticking points in our industry is that in order to get out all toxins including but not limited to: heavy metals and petrochemicals we have to conjugate and bind these toxins in very specific ways for elimination. As well as support the detox without the so-called healing crisis. Our philosophy's definition of the healing crisis means you did not properly support your detox. Every time that you pull out one molecule of these toxins, one molecule of the binder must be re-established in order to continue the detoxification process. Otherwise, the so-called "healing crisis" is profound tissue damage. Many toxicologists' experts in our field proclaim you would be better off not detoxing if you don't support this process
Thank goodness it is currently well established the importance of detoxifying and altering brain patterns in combating all types of addictions, including those related to food, drugs, gambling, and sex. By combining various treatments such as FIR, Neurofeedback, and Auriculotherapy, the addiction drive is reduced, leading to a significant easing of withdrawal symptoms. These techniques have been embraced by both the entertainment industry and professionals in rehabilitation centers, as they understand the crucial role they play in the recovery process. With a focus on detoxification and brain pattern changes, individuals struggling with addiction can find hope and support in these innovative and effective treatments.